OKE Labradors

CH Hylakes Goliath
Bred By
Marsal Labradors
Hylakes Labradors
Goliath is a stunning boy that has an even better temperament. Achieving his AKC Championship title in record time, he is well on his way towards his AKC Grand Championship title going Best of Breed 4 consecutive days in May 2023. There is no question that Goliath has the look, style and correctness to achieve great things in the show ring.
He has an extremely gentle demeanor and is an absolute gentleman in every way. He will be a large asset to our breeding program, not only for his correctness and style but for his gentle and loving demeanor.
We look forward to his puppies and are excited to continue his show career in all directions.
Goliath is a littermate to our girl Santana, full sibling (different litter) to our girl Polly, half sibling (same mother) to Scarlett and Amy.
DOB: 10/21/2020
Weight: 98 lbs
OFA Final Reports
(For a direct link to OFA click here)
Hips: Good
Elbows: Normal
Eyes: checked annually
Heart: Echo Doppler normal
Clear by parentage
Embark is pending
Black carries yellow
Goliath is available to approved bitches with special pricing to CH or titled girls.

Goliath is beautifuly handled by Rhonda Lee